
DONK 1931 emend G. LANGER 1994,
Bibl. Mycol. 158: 27.

Typus generis:

Botryobasidium subcoronatum (v.HÖHN. & LITSCH.) DONK 1931,
Meded. Nederl. Mycol. Vereen. 18-20: 117.


Corticium subcoronatum v. HÖHN. & LITSCH. 1907, Sitz.-ber. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. Kl. 116: 822.

[image] illustration of B. subcoronatum

Anamorphs if present were assigned to:

Haplotrichum LINK or Allescheriella crocea (MONT.) HUGHES.


Key for Teleomorphs
Key for Anamorphs

Typical morphological characters

Download a color photo of a basidiocarp growing on an old polypore (JPEG, 33 K).

Basidia Basidia Spores
Conidia Cystidia Hyphal branching


Reference list for Botryobasidium
General reference list

Donks original latin description

Botryobasidium DONK 1931, Meded. Nederl. Mycol. Vereen. 18-20: 116: "Receptaculum effusum, tenue, hypochnoideum vel subpelliculosum, hymeniis subcontinuo, macroscopice tenuiter granulosum ╨ Hyphae 5-15 ╡ diam., ramis angulo ▒ 90í divergentibus, parietibus pigmento dicto "Baumwollblau" fasciliter colorandis; basidia botryoidae hymenium granulosum formantes, rotundo-ovata ad late-cylindrica, sterigmis 2-8, angustis vel subinflatis; sporae hyalinae, leves. Saprophyticum vel parasticum ad terram, lignum putridum, herbas etc. crescens."

Emended latin description

Botryobasidium DONK 1931 emend G. Langer 1994 Bibl. Mycol. 158: 27: "Genus Basidiomycetum. Basidiocarposomata effusa, resupinata, laevia, arachnoidea, hypochnoidea, subpellicularia vel grandinioidea, saprophytica. Hyphae rectangule ramosae, tenuitunicatae, deorsum versus leviter crassi-tunicatae, binucleatae vel plurinucleatae. Septa hypharum fibulata vel efibulata, doliporis parenthesomatibus continuis perforata. Fibulae non hyphis prolificantes. Basidia breviter-cylindracea, subcylindraceae ad suburniformia, levia, tenuitunicata, botryoidea, sterigmatibus 2-8 provisa, praecipue hymenium granulosum formantia. Sterigmata angusta. Basidiosporae late vel anguste naviculares, citriformes, globosae, ovoidae, raro ellipsoideae vel cylindraceae, tenuitunicatae vel crassitunicatae, laeves vel verruculosae, echinulatae, aculeatae, tuberculatae, spinosae vel laciniatae, inamyloideae, germinando hyphas solum producentes. Cystidia aut desunt aut interdum presentes, subulatae vel obtusatae. Chlamydosporae generaliter aut desunt aut in basidiocarposomatibus formatae. Formae conidiales desunt vel praecipue in speciebus genuis Haplotrichii LINK presentes. "

English description

Species of genus Botryobasidium (Basidiomycetes) are saprophytic. They have resupinate smooth, arachnoid, hypochnoid, pellicular or grandinioid basidiocarps. Hyphae are right-angeled branched, thin-walled to thick-walled, and binucleate or multinucleate. Hyphae with or without clamps have dolipore with continuous parenthesomes. Clamps show usually no proliferation with hyphae. Basidia are short-cylindrical, subcylindrical to suburniform, smooth, thin-walled and have 2-8 slender sterigma. They are arranged in botryos clusters, producing a granulose hymenium. Basidiospores are narrow- to broad-navicular, limoniform, globose, ovoid, seldom ellipsoid or cylindrical, thin- or thick-walled, smooth, verruculose, echinulate, aculeate, tuberculate or laciniate. The occurrence of secondary spores is not known. Basidiospores are germinating with germ tubes. Chlamydospore usually are absent, but they occur in very few species in the basidiocarp or in pure culture. Conidial stages are absent or occur in several species. Anamorphs observed in nature were assigned to the anamorph genera Haplotrichum LINK or Allescheriella crocea (MONT.) HUGHES.

German description

Botryobasidium DONK 1931 emend G. Langer 1994 Bibl. Mycol. 158: 26: "Die Arten der Gattung Botryobasidium DONK (Basidiomycetes) sind saprophytisch und haben ausgebreitete, resupinate, glatte, spinnwebförmige, hypochnusartige, fast häutchenförmige oder warzige Fruchtkörper. Deren Hyphen sind rechtwinklig verzweigt, dünnwandig und zu den unteren hin leicht dickwandig, zweikernig oder mehrkernig. Die Septen der Hyphen haben Schnallen oder sind schnallenlos und besitzen je einen Doliporus mit kontinuierlichen Parenthesomen. Schnallen wachsen niemals mit Hyphen aus. Die Basidien sind kurzzylindrisch, subzylindrisch bis suburniform, glatt, dünnwandig, traubenförmig und bilden meist ein granuloses Hymenium. Sie besitzen 2-8 schmale Sterigmen. Die Basidiosporen sind schmal- bis breitschiffchenförmig, zitronenförmig, kugelig, eiförmig, selten ellipsoid oder zylindrisch, dünnwandig oder dickwandig, glatt, warzig, stachelig, tuberkulat oder zipfelig und keimen nur mit Hyphen. Cystiden fehlen meistens oder sind in der Regel tubulär, spitz oder stumpf zulaufend. Chlamydosporen fehlen oder werden selten im Fruchtkörper gebildet. Konidienformen fehlen oder können, wenn vorhanden, meist der Anamorphgattung Haplotrichum LINK zugeordnet werden."

Species list

Botryobasidium ansosum (JACKS. & ROGERS) PARM.
Botryobasidium arachnoideum G. LANGER
Botryobasidium asperulum (ROGERS) BOIDIN
Botryobasidium asterosporum G. LANGER
Botryobasidium aureum PARMASTO
Botryobasidium bananisporum BOIDIN
Botryobasidium bisporum (BOIDIN & GILLES) G. LANGER
Botryobasidium bondarzevii (PARMASTO) G. LANGER
Botryobasidium botryoideum (OVERH.) PARM.
Botryobasidium candicans John Eriksson
Botryobasidium chilense HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ
Botryobasidium conspersum JOHN ERIKSSON
Botryobasidium croceum LENTZ
Botryobasidium curtisii HALLENBERG
Botryobasidium danicum JOHN ERIKSON & HJORTSTAM
Botryobasidium digitatum (ROGERS) G. LANGER
Botryobasidium ellipsosporum HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ
Botryobasidium globosporum (BOIDIN & GILLES) G. LANGER
Botryobasidium grandinioides HALLENBERG
Botryobasidium grandisporum G. LANGER
Botryobasidium intertextum (SCHW.) JÜLICH & STALPERS
Botryobasidium isabellinum (FR.) ROGERS
Botryobasidium lacinisporum G. LANGER
Botryobasidium laeve (JOHN ERIKSSON) PARMASTO
Botryobasidium latisporum (Maekawa) G. LANGER
Botryobasidium lembosporum (ROGERS) DONK
Botryobasidium longisporum G. LANGER
Botryobasidium medium JOHN ERIKSSON
Botryobasidium microverrucisporum (MAEKAWA) G. LANGER
Botryobasidium obtusisporum JOHN ERIKSSON
Botryobasidium olivaceum BOIDIN & GILLES
Botryobasidium pandani BOIDIN & GILLES
Botryobasidium parvisetosum BOIDIN & GILLES
Botryobasidium piliferum BOIDIN & GILLES
Botryobasidium pilosellum JOHN ERIKSSON
Botryobasidium pruinatum (BRES.) JOHN ERIKSSON
Botryobasidium robustior POUZAR & JECHOVÁ
Botryobasidium simile POUZAR & HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ
Botryobasidium sordidulum BOIDIN & GILLES
Botryobasidium stigmatisporum BOIDIN & GILLES
Botryobasidium subalbidum GINNS
Botryobasidium subbotryosum RATTAN
Botryobasidium subcoronatum (v. HÖHN. & LITSCH.) DONK
Botryobasidium sublaeve G. LANGER
Botryobasidium tuberculisporum G. LANGER
Botryobasidium tubulicystidium G. LANGER
Botryobasidium vagum (CURT. & BERK.) ROGERS
Botryobasidium verrucisporum (BURD. & GILB.) G. LANGER

In Botryobasidium emend. G. LANGER not accepted species (G. Langer 1994 Bibl. Mycol. 158)

Botryobasidium album (DASTUR) VENKATARYAN 1950, Ind. Phytpath. 3: 81.
Basionym: Corticium album DASTUR non BRITZ. 1940, Ind. J. Agr. Sci. 10:92. (not validly published).

Botryobasidium alutaceum BOIDIN 1970, Cah. Maboké 8 (1): 18.
Botryohypochnus alutaceus (BOIDIN) JÜLICH 1979, Persoonia 10: 334.
Lindtneria alutacea (BOIDIN) BOIDIN & GILLES 1986, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 102 (3): 307.
= Lindtneria chordulata (ROGERS) HJORTST. 1987, Mycotaxon 28 (1): 33.

Botryobasidium cystidiatum (ROGERS) JOHN ERIKSSON (1958b), (invalid recombined)
Basionym: Pellicularia cystidiata ROGERS 1943, Farlowia 1 (1): 101.
Suillosporium cystidiatum (ROGERS) POUZAR 1958, Cesk. Mykol. 12: 31.

Botryobasidium flavescens (BONORDEN) ROGERS 1935, Uni. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 17 (1): 13
Basionym: Hypochnus flavescens BONORDEN 1851, Handbuch S. 160.
Pellicularia flavescens (BONORDEN ) ROGERS in ROGERS & JACKSSON 1943, Farlowia 1 (2): 272.
= Uthatobasidium fusisporum (SCHROET.) DONK 1958, Fungus 28: 22.

Botryobasidium fodinarium (TALBOT & GREEN) BOIDIN 1970, Cah. Maboké 8(1):╩25.
Basionym: Pellicularia fodinarium TALBOT & GREEN 1958, Bothalia 7: 136.

Botryobasidium granulatum (BREF.) DONK 1931, Meded. Nederl. mycol. Ver. 18-20: 118.
Basionym: Tomentella granulatum BREF. 1889, Unters.Gesamtge. Mykol. 8: 11.
= Corticium bombycinum (SOMMERF.) BREF. 1897, Att. Acad. Sci. Lett. Art. Agiati 3: 3 (fide v. HÖHNEL & LITSCHAUER 1906).

Botryobasidium heteronemum JOHN ERIKSSON 1958, Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 52: 13.
Sistotrema heteronemum (JOHN ERIKSSON) STRID 1975, Wahlenbergia 1: 75.

Botryobasidium koleroga (COOKE) VENKATARYAN 1949, Ind. Phytpath. 2: 188.
Basionym: Pellicularia koleroga COOKE (1876), Grevillea 4: 116.

Botryobasidium langloisii (PAT) GILBERTS. & BUDINGT. 1970, Arizona Ac. Sci. 6 (2): 92.
Basionym: Hypochnus langloisii PAT. 1908, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 24: 3.
Candelabrochaete langloisii (PAT.) BOIDIN 1970, Cah. Maboké 8: 24.

Botryobasidium ochreaceum (MASSEE) DONK ex ROGERS 1935, Uni. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 17 (1): 16.
Basionym: Coniophora ochreacea MASSEE 1889, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 25: 137 (not validly published, fide PARMASTO, pers. comm.)
Pellicularia flavescens (BON.) ROGERS in ROGERS & JACKSSON 1943, Farlowia 1 (2): 272.
= Uthatobasidium fusisporum (SCHROET.) DONK 1958, Fungus 28: 22.

Botryobasidium rolfsii (CURZI)VENKATARYAN 1950, Ind. Phytpath. 3: 82.
Basionym:Corticium rolfsii CURZI 1931, Boll. Staz. Pat. Veg., Roma 2 (11): 306.
Pellicularia rolfsii (CURZI) WEST 1947, Phytopath. 37: 69.
Athelia rolfsii (CURZI) TU & KIMBR. 1978, Bot. Gaz. 139 (4): 460.
Anamorph: Sclerotium rolfsii SACCARDO 1911, Ann. Mycol. Berl. 9: 257.

Botryobasidium salmonicolor (BERK. & BR.) VENKATARYAN 1950, Ind. Phytpath. 3: 82.
Basionym: Corticium salmonicor BERK. & BR. 1873, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 14: 71.
Erithricium salmonicolor (BERK. & BR.) BURDS. 1985, Mycol. Memoir 10: 151.

Botryobasidium solani (PRILL. & DELACR.) DONK 1931, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 27: 248.
Basionym: Hypochnus solani PRILL. & DELACR. 1891, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 7: 220.
= Thanatephorus cucumeris (FRANK.) DONK 1956, Reinwardtia 3 (3): 376.

Botryobasidium sterigmaticum (BOURD.) DONK ex ROGERS 1935, Uni. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 17 (1): 7 (not validly published, fide PARMASTO, pers. comm.).
Basionym: Corticium sterigmaticum BOURD. 1922, Rev. Sci. Bourb. 35: 4.
Ypsilonidium sterigmaticum (BOURD.) DONK 1972, Proc. Kon. ned. Akad. Wet. Ser. C 75: 371.
Ceratobasidium sterigmaticum (BOURD.) ROGERS Uni. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 17 (1): 7.
Thanatephorus sterigmaticus (BOURD.) TALBOT 1965, Persoonia 3 (4): 390.

Botryobasidium zealandicum (G.H. CUNNINGHAM) BOIDIN 1970, Cah. Maboké 8 (1): 18.
Basionym: Pellicularia zealandica G.H. CUNNINGHAM 1953, Trans. R. Soc. N. Zeal. 81: 322.
Gyrophanopsis zealandica (G.H. CUNNINGHAM) JÜLICH, Persoonia 10 (3): 329.

Botryohypochnus chordulatus (ROGERS) BURDS. & NAKAS. 1981, Mycologia 73: 457.
Basionym: Pellicularia chordulata ROGERS 1943 in MARTIN & ROGERS Farlowia 1 (1): 98.
Lindtneria chordulata (ROGERS) HJORTST. 1987, Mycotaxon 28 (1): 33.

Botryohypochnus biapiculatus (ROGERS) PARM. 1965, Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toim. Biol. Seer. 14 (2): 221.
Basionym: Pellicularia biapiculata ROGERS in MARTIN 1944, Lloydia 7 (1): 71.
Tofispora biapiculata (ROGERS) G. LANGER 1994:328.

Botryohypochnus hebelomatosporus BOIDIN & GILLES 1982, Mycotaxon 14: 287.
Tofispora hebelomatospora (BOIDIN & GILLES) G. LANGER 1994:328.

List of published names used for Botryobasidium anamorphs

Allescheriella crocea (MONT.) HUGHES 1950, in BAKER & DALE, Kew Mycol. Papers 33: 97.
Basionym: Mucor crocea MONT. 1845, Hist. Phys., Pol. et Nat. Cuba, page: 307.
Gymnosporium croceum (MONT.) BERK. & CURTIS 1869, J. Linn. Soc. (Bot) 10: 355.
Chromosporium croceum (MONT.) SACCARDO 1886, Sylloge Fungorum 4: 7.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium croceum LENTZ

Haplotrichum aureum (PERS.) HOL.-JECH. 1976, Ceská Mykol. 30(1): 3.
Basionym: Acrosporium aureum PERS. 1822, Mycol. Eur. 1: 25.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium aureum PARMASTO

Haplotrichum capitatum (PERS.) LINK 1824
Basionym: Acladium capitatum LINK 1809, Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Magaz. 3-42.
Oidium candicans (SACC.) LINDER 1942, Lloydia 5 (2): 183.
Monilia candicans SACCADO 1876, Nuev. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 8: 195.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium candicans John Eriksson

Haplotrichum chilense (LINDER) HOLUBOVA-JECHOVA 1976, Ceská Mycol. 30: 4.
Oidium chilense LINDER 1942, Lloydia 5: 196.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium chilense HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ

Haplotrichum conspersum (LINK) HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1976, Cesk. Mykol. 30 (1): 4.
Acladium conspersum LINK 1809, Mag. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde z. Berlin 3: 11-12.
Oidium conspersum (LINK) LINDER 1942, Lloydia 5 (3): 176.
Sporotrichum conspersum (LINK: FR.) FR. 1832, Syst. Mycol. 3: 419.
Trichosporum conspersum (LINK: FR.) FR. Summa Veg. Scand. Seite 492.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium conspersum JOHN ERIKSSON

Haplotrichum curtisii (BERK.) HOLUBOVÁ.-JECHOVÀ 1976, Cesk. Mykol. 30 (1): 4.
Basionym: Aspergillus curtisii BERK.1875, Grevillea 3: 108. (sensu HOLubová-JECHová 1976).
Aspergillus curtisii BERK.1855, in Ravenel, Fungi Carolin. 4 (83). (sensu LINDER 1942).
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium curtisii HALLENBERG

Haplotrichum ellipsosporum (HOL.-JECH) HOL.-JECH. 1976, Cesk. Mykol. 30 (1): 4.
Basionym: Oidium ellipsosporum HOL.-JECH 1969, Cesk. Mycol. 23 (4): 211.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium ellipsosporum HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ

Haplotrichum tomentosum (PAT.) HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1976, Ceská Mycol. 30: 4.
Hymenochaete tomentosa BERK. & CURT. 1868, Linnean Soc. Journ. 10: 335.
Trichosporium tomentosum (BERK. & CURT.) PAT. 1894, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 10: 79.
Oidium tomentosum (BERK. & CURT.) LINDER 1942, Lloydia 5 (3): 204.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium lembosporum (ROGERS) DONK

Haplotrichum medium (HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ.) HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1976, Cesk. Mykol. 30 (1): 4.
Oidium medium HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1969, Cesk. Mykol. 23: 215. Teleomorph: Botryobasidium

Haplotrichum rubiginosum (FR.) HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1976, Ceská Mycol. 30: 4.
Sporotrichum rubiginosum FR. 1832, Syst. Mycol. 3: 417.
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium medium JOHN ERIKSSON

Haplotrichum simile (BERK.) HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1976, Ceská Mycol. 30: 4.
Oidium simile BERK. 1845, Hook. J. Bot. 4: 310.
Oidium aureo-fulvum (COOKE & ELLIS) LINDER 1942, Lloydia 5 (3): 189. (fide POUZAR & HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1969).
Oidium biforme LINDER 1942, Lloydia 5 (3): 188. (fide POUZAR & HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1969).
Teleomorph: Botryobasidium simile POUZAR & HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ

Haplotrichum species with unknown, but probably Botryobasidium teleomorph

Haplotrichum caribense (Holubová-Jechová) Holubová-Jechová 1976, Ceská Mycol. 30: 3.
Basionym: Oidium caribense Holubová-Jechová 1969.

Haplotrichum LINK

Species of the genus Gattung Haplotrichum LINK are in some cases anamorphs of Botryobasidium DONK subgen. Brevibasidium (HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ 1975, 1976, 1980b). These anamorphs were earlier assigned to the genus Oidium (LINDER 1942). But the genus name Oidium is reserved for anamorphs of Erysiphales and relatives since the 12. International Botanical Congress. Key for Anamorphs

Ultrastructural data

[half tone photo]

Dolipores have continuous parenthesomes (OBERWINKLER 1985, G. LANGER 1994)

a) Dolipore, bar = 0.5 ╡m.
b) Higher magnification. The parenthesome is constructed o fseveral layers (arrow heads), bar = 0.2 ╡m.

Source: G. Langer 1994. Die Gattung Botryobasidium DONK (Corticiaceae, Basidiomycetes). Bibl. Mycol. 158: 1-459.

Molecular data

Nuc rDNA of the ITS2 region are sequenced at the moment by G. Langer( using primers ITS 1F, ITS 4B, ITS 3 (Gardes & Bruns 1992).

Pure cultures

Studies on culture - and mating behavior are only done for few species (BOIDIN 1970; BOIDIN & LANQUETIN 1984; STALPERS 1978; NAKASONE 1990; G. Langer 1994 ).

Heterothalic tetrapolar species:

Botryobasidium subcoronatum (G. Langer 1994)

Binucleate species:

Botryobasidium subcoronatum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium vagum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium candicans (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium simile (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium conspersum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium obtusisporum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium piliferum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium grandisporum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium longisporum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium subcoronatum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium arachnoideum (G. Langer 1994)

Multinucleate species:

Botryobasidium botryoideum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium isabellinum (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium laeve (G. Langer 1994)
Botryobasidium pruinatum (G. Langer 1994)


Attempts to classify the genera of the Botryobasidium-complex (Botryobasidium, Botryohypochnus, Thanatephorus, Ceratobasidium, Uthatobasidium, Tulasnella, Cejpomyces und Hypochnella) in higher Taxa were dane by MARTIN (1948), DONK (1964, 1972), PARMASTO (1968a,b) and JÜLICH (1981). The genera heterobasidioid Tulasnella and Ceratobasidium were assigned to the Corticiaceae, Aphyllophorales within the der Homobasidiomycetes by some authors (DONK 1964; PARMASTO 1968a) und from other authors in own families to Heterobasidiomycetes (e.g. JÜLICH 1981). Botryobasidium species are true Homobasidiomycetes, but there are several hints that they have maybe a closer relationship to the Tulasnellales. It is a little to early to use an own order for Botryobasidium species, befor a criticall analysis also with molecular data is done. Therefor is seems to be better to use the family name Corticiaceae in a broad sense.

Intrageneric concepts

There are 2 major groups within Botryobasidium (G. Langer 1994):

1. with binucleate celles
(Botryobasidium, Brevibasidium)
with or without known anamorphs
with or without clamps
2. with multinucleate cells
(Dimorphonema , Phlyctidosporum , Botryohypochnus)
without anamorphs
without clamps
often with ornamented or pigmented spores or hyphae

Classification after JOHN ERIKSSON (1958) and BOIDIN & GILLES (1988):

Spores smooth:
Botryobasidium JOHN ERIKSSON (1958)
Type: Botryobasidium subcoronatum (v.HÖHN. & LITSCH.) DONK (1931)
Basal Hyphae uare more or less similar with the subhymenial Hyphae. Basidia suburniform, median contricted, at the base subventricos.
Brevibasidium JOHN ERIKSSON (1958)
Type: Botryobasidium botryosum (BRES.) JOHN ERIKSSON (1958)
Basal Hyphae mnot distinctly differnt from the subhymenial Hyphae. Basidia short-cylindical and wider than in Botryobasidium. In some species Haplotrichum-Anamorphs are known.
Dimorphonema JOHN ERIKSSON (1958)
Type: Botryobasidium pruinatum (BRES.) JOHN ERIKSSON (1958)
Basal Hyphae (thick-walled, very wide, dark pigmented, rough ormanted), different from subhymenial Hyphae (thin-walled, with a smaller lumen, hyaline).
Spores rough:
Phlyctidosporum BOIDIN & GILLES (1988)
Type: Botryobasidium asperulum (ROGERS) BOIDIN (1970)
Spore walls rough (rugulos, asperulate).


Species of the genus Botryobasidium have corticioid to hypochnoid resupinate basidocarps. In first classifications members of the genus were as Corticium-species assigned to the family Corticiaceae Herter (Herter in Warnstorf et al. 1910), Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycetes. Later the genus Corticium ;Pers. was splitted based on differend micromorphological characters. Bourdot & Galzin (1911) covered with the section Botryodea a group of Corticium-species with short-celled, right-angeled branched, deeply in cottonblue stainable hyphal system. Holobasidia of these are arranged in terminal, botryose clusters, giving the hymenium a granulose appearence. The section Botryodea seemed to be a natural relationship for Donk (1931). He described therefor the new genus Botryobasidium, belonging to the tulasnelloid fungi. The taxon Botryobasidium sensu Donk (1931) covered species with or without clamps, with 2-8-spored basidia, with short and curved or long and stout sterigma, and with or without secondary spores. Corticium flavescens (Bonorden) Massee, C. sterigmaticum Bourd., C. cornigerum Bourd., C. solani Prill. & Delacr. counted to the heterobasidiod species with secondary spores. Homobasidiod species, without secondary spores in this group were Corticium subcoronatum v. Höhn. & Litsch., C. botryosum Bres., C. vagum Bres. & Curt., C. terrigenum Bres., C. coronatum (Schroet.) v. Höhn. & Litsch., C. frustulosum Bres. and Hypochnella violacea (Auersw.) Schroet. Simultaniuously Donk (1931) proposed the monotypic new name Botryohypochnus for Hypochnus isabellinus FR. with a similar hyphal system, with 4-spored, short-cylindical basidia but echinulate ornamented basidiospores. This species was earlier assigned to the Thelephoracae Chev. because of the yellowish, echinulate basidiospores by Bourdot & Galzin (1927).
Rogers (1935) transfered the speciesCorticium cornigerum Bourd. with secondary spores and fourspored basidia in the new genus Ceratobasidium Rogers. Pellicularia koleroga Cooke was placed into Botryobasidium Donk by Rogers (1943). Rogers (1943) gave the older genus name Pellicularia priority. But Pellicularia is a nomen confusum (Donk 1954, Talbot 1965). In fact of this Donk (1954) errected a new monotypic genus Koleroga Donk for Pellicularia koleroga Cooke. After (Talbot 1965) the latter one is however synonym with Ceratobasidium. Other species with secondary spores were transfered from Botryobasidium Donk s.l. into new genera like Thanatephorus Donk and Uthatobasidium Donk.Thanatephorus cucumeris is e.g. known as parasite of several herbs (Hjortstam et al. 1988). Favoured substrat for Botryobasidium, Botryohypochnus and Uthatobasidium species is wood, often strongly decayed. A first intrageneric concept of the genus Botryobasidium DONK s.str. (saprob Botryobasidium- species without secondary spores and smooth basidiospores) was proposed by Eriksson 1958a. Based on morphological characters of basidia, basidiospores, hyphal system, as well as abillity to produce an anamorph three subgenera were defined: Botryobasidium, Brevibasidium, Dimorphonema (Eriksson 1958a). Boidin & Gilles (1988) introduced the fourth subgenus Phlyctidosporum for new described species with rough ornamended basidiospores. A very good illustrated study on the North European Botryobasidium species was done by Eriksson & Ryvarden (1973). Numerous new species were proposed by Boidin and Co-authors (Boidin 1970, 1957a,b; Boidin & Gilles 1982, 1986, 1988, 1990; Boidin et al. 1988) as well as by G. Langer (1994). The Botryobasidium species of Japan were studied by Maekawa (1990, 1991a,b, 1992).
The genus Botryobasidium was monographed and emended by G. Langer (1994) on a world-wide scope. The intraspecific concept of Eriksson (1958a) and Boidin & Gilles (1988) was not supported in detail by G. Langer (1994), because of comparativ morphology and studies in nuclear behavior and a phylogenetical analysis. The synonymization of Botryohypochnus s.str. (fourspored homobasidioid species with echinulate to aculeate basidiospores) with Botryobasidium which was first done by Rogers (1935) was followed and improoved in the monograph.

Important general publications for Botryobasidium